About us

We are a team of dedicated researchers from various institutes and disciplines at Wageningen University & Research. Each of us is actively engaged in finding solutions to food loss and waste. Our mission is to empower organisations and individuals in the private and public sector to take effective actions.

With our collective knowledge, we help you take actions that make a difference. We are initiators and drivers of practical initiatives, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Because there the impact can be significant.

Thank you for joining us in our mission to combat food loss and waste. Together, we can make a meaningful difference.

MSc Ir HB (Heike) Axmann

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Dr Ir JM (Han) Soethoudt

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Ir HM (Martijntje) Vollebregt

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Ir HJ (Herman) Snel

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MSc CJ (Charlotte) Harbers

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Ing BSc RJA (René) Oostewechel

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MSc MG (Melanie) Kok

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Dr DM (Vera) Vernooij

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Dr Ir HW (Wolter) Elbersen

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Dr S (Siemen) van Berkum

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Dr Ir J (Jan) Broeze

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Ir BH (Bert) Dijkink

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Drs Ing JCMA (Joost) Snels

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Dr Ir M (Marta) Rodríguez Illera

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Ir FIDG (Fátima) Pereira da Silva

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Ir JA (Julien) Voogt

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Dr ir MH (Marijke) Kuiper

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Dr ED (Ezra) Berkhout

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Dr MT (Trang) Nguyen

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Dr Hao (David) Cui