
New EELRIC PhD student: Pauline Jéhannet

Published on
February 6, 2019

Pauline Jéhannet has started her PhD investigating ‘How to make good eel larvae. Studying final oocyte maturation, ovulation, fertilization and early development of European eel.’

Eel is not new to Pauline. She did an intern in our group entitled ‘Artificial reproduction of European eel: Simulated migration, ultrasonography and early ontogeny’ (Feb-Dec 2016; 60 ects) that resulted in a paper of which she was the main author. She presented this work in the 1st EELRIC workshop. Thereafter she has been assigned as researcher in the period Sep 2017 – Feb 2019. She was involved in studying the initiation of anguillid vitellogenesis by comparing the European eel and the shortfinned eel which resulted in another paper as main author that has been submitted. For this study she received a COST FITFISH STSM grant to do research in the lab of Dr Mark Lokman (University of Otago, New Zealand) and she presented this work in the annual FITFISH conference.