Behind the scenes at Wageningen Campus
From 12 to 22 June the Wageningen Campus team organised the second edition of the Wageningen Campus Expedition. An initiative made possible by Wageningen University & Research in collaboration with Aeres Hogeschool, AgroCares, FrieslandCampina, H&F Group, Hutten Catering, ISRIC (World Soil Information), Kadans Science Partner, KeyGene, NIOO-KNAW (Netherlands Institute for Ecology), OSP Vermaat, Unilever, Upfield and VHL Genetics, offering the opportunity to go behind the scenes at various organisations on campus.
Fourteen organisations opened their doors to allow their employees and other residents on Wageningen Campus to have a look behind the scenes. A total of 47 tours have been organised for more than 750 visitors.
"I really enjoyed visiting organisations that I wouldn't normally visit. And it was very convenient that most of the visits could take place over lunch, which made it easy to plan," said one visitor.
In the survey distributed to the visitors of the Wageningen Campus Expedition, 92% gave a good to very good rating to the expedition. More than 80% indicated they received valuable new information. The same percentage said they would participate in the next edition of 2024. In short: a great result!
Photos: Circe van der Heijden