DocuScience: KIVA – The Call of the Wisdom Keepers
During the first edition of the new program DocuScience, you will meet two Indigenous Elders, Maori Elder Toroa Aperahama en Maasai Elder Sankale Ntutu, who play a key role in the documentary KIVA – The Call of the Wisdom Keepers.
In this documentary we get a unique view of the KIVA Ceremony, where Indigenous Wisdom Keepers gather around a sacred Fire and express their love via prayers, ancient rituals, songs and dance. But they also share their concern about the care for Mother Nature and humanity. The viewer is invited to reflect and talk about how to heal our relationship with the earth.
The evening will be opened by WUR-scientist Bas Verschuuren, who studies the role of worldviews and spirituality in human-nature relationships. Documentary maker Marijke Kodden will explain how the documentary is made. After the documentary, Maori Elder Toroa Aperahama en Maasai Elder Sankale Ntutu, will share their wisdom and stories about living in balance with nature.
The documentary will be shown in Omnia and admission is free of charge. The programme will begin at 19:00, with the room (auditorium) opening at 18:30. Registration is not required, but make sure to be in time because full=full.
After the programme, the bar at Faculty Club Novum is open for drinks and a chat.
Dinner in restaurant Novum beforehand?
Restaurant Novum, in Omnia, offers a special DocuDinner especially for DocuScience. For 18,25euro, you will be served a delicious (vegetarian) main course, dessert and a drink. The DocuDinner starts at 17:30h. Reservation is required and can be done by sending an e-mail to welkom@restaurantnovum.nl. Please mention in the e-mail that you are coming for DocuScience. As a dinner guest, you will have a reserved seat in the auditorium, so you are guaranteed of a spot at the documentary.
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About DocuScience
DocuScience is a new program in Omnia, where employees of Wageningen Campus share insights into the inspiring work happening at Campus. We will explore new perspectives through provocative documentaries that encourage conversation. Everyone working at Wageningen Campus is welcome, so bring your colleagues!