Wageningen Dialogue
Framing the food debate: how do we bridge the gap?
In 2050, the world counts ten billion people. What kind of world will it be? Those answering these questions generally fall into two divided groups. As described in the book of 'the Wizard and the Prophet' by Charles C. Mann; the 'prophet', who argues that we need to live more in harmony with nature, and the 'wizard' who says that innovation and more technology is needed to provide the solutions. We increasingly see this dichotomy in society. There is a gap in finding solutions. How do we bridge this gap, and how do we transcend the polarisation in this domain?
Sign up for the dialogue
That is one of the questions being asked at the Wageningen Dialogue 'Framing the food debate' on 11 April, at Omnia. On the basis of the film The Future of Food, we will engage in a dialogue. The film shows us the paralysing effect of the opposition in the food debate and the effect on the actions to make the food system sustainable. Can we address this dichotomy and how do we bridge the gap?
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) professor of Strategic Communications Rens Vliegenthart is going to interpret the media landscape around the polarised food debate. How does media contribute to the polarisation related to this topic; Is framing inevitable? Martine Kamsma, food editor at NRC and Inge Wallage, director of communications & marketing at WUR will present their view on this topic as well. Together we will explore whether and how frames in the media effect polarization and what you can to yourself to make it work.
View the programme and location here, and register for the dialogue on 11 April (free entrance). The dialogue is open to researchers, campus residents, students, journalists and programme makers, as well as communication scholars and communication professionals at NGOs, corporate companies and ministries. The dialogue will be in Dutch.
Watch the trailer of the film.